The Riverbank Run is a bittersweet event for the Kinzler Foundation as it was, in essence, the catalyst for our founding.
In 2011, Jason Kinzler, beloved husband, father, friend, and GVSU Hall of Fame athlete died one mile short of the Riverbank Run finish line due to an undiagnosed heart condition. Jason’s wife Kristi and several of their closest friends founded this organization to help families facing what Kristi faced—suddenly being the sole provider/caregiver for young children—though without the resources she had.
Since our founding, the Kinzler Foundation has empowered close to 250 West Michigan families to move forward after sudden loss by providing short-term financial assistance for basic family needs and by connecting families to existing community resources for longer-term support.
Hannah Kinzler, now a senior at Michigan State, ran the race again this year with a team from F45 studio in east Lansing. A team of Kinzler Board members and assisted families also participated in the 5K walk.